Coaching for STEM Women

As a scientist, technician, mathematician, or engineer, you are a truth seeker. In coaching, we co-design a partnership to be truth tellers.  I share social science research results to open up new possibilities.  I respect that you are the expert on your life.

Each coaching conversation is tailored to your career needs.  Each coaching session addresses a job challenge that gets in your way of being your best. You set the agenda for our coaching.

Together, we uncover the root cause of your career challenge or job obstacles.

Sometimes we may focus on one difficult conversation or situation. 

Other times we may examine how to let go of ineffective behaviors and begin to practice new, more effective, behaviors.

What you can expect:

Boost your confidence to stand tall in your expertise.

Be clear about where you are, where you want to be and how to get there.

Improve your competency when managing and leading others.

How coaching works:

  • Schedule an initial conversation to listen to your story.
  • Define your coaching goals and measures of success.
  • Meet privately, virtually every other week for three to six months.
  • Experience a safe space to float fresh ideas and test out new practices.
  • Review your progress, hold you accountable and celebrate your wins.